Ryan Kendall
Ryan Kendall supports the DMSE headquarters and three faculty members, Professors Carl Thompson, Christine Ortiz, and Yet-Ming Chiang. For the headquarters, he serves as a resource for administrative processes and assists with almost anything needed around the department, from covering roles and guiding new hires during staff transitions to working with the director of finance and administration to help develop efficient systems. As a faculty assistant, Kendall helps Professors Thompson, Ortiz, and Chiang with their day-to-day finances, research group management, supply orders, and travel. Throughout his time with the department, he has also had a hand in communications, staff and faculty hiring processes, and event coordination.
In his free time, he enjoys gaming, philosophical and linguistic discussion, working on his novel series, and writing and performing lyrically poignant songs accompanied by guitar. Kendall has a bachelor’s degree in English and creative writing from Lesley University and is pursuing a master’s degree in communication studies at Arizona State University.